Must-Have Automotive Diagnostic Tools

Must-Have Automotive Diagnostic Tools

When you have to diagnose problems in a car, you want your tools to do their jobs and do them well. Knowing the difference between the many tools you need when diagnosing car issues is essential to running a solid automotive repair service. Keep your toolbox up to date with these must-have automotive diagnostic tools.

Scan Tool

The most important tool you need to own is a diagnostic scanner tool. These tools plug into the car and provide you with valuable information about the car’s internals. Typically, scanners will have code readers built into them. They add more info than code readers, so it’s important to know the difference before you buy. Scan tools have live data streaming to show how the car is working while you are connected and, depending on the model, can even reprogram car processes while hooked up.

Technology has advanced to the point where you can hook up a specialized Bluetooth scan tool to the ODBII port that connects to an app on your phone. This allows for diagnostic checks from outside a vehicle.

Code Reader

Code readers are more basic than scan tools but are still important. By using a code reader, you can quickly check what each light on a car’s dashboard means and if it is an accurate warning. When plugged in, code readers will often give a number back to the mechanic, which they can then match up to the error code of the car manufacturer’s list. Advanced code readers will do this part of the job for the mechanic, providing a snippet of information within its database.

With both scan tools and code readers, keep in mind that some tools will not work on some cars. An older tool may be required for an older car, and some models of cars will not be compatible with all tools. Always do your research when looking to purchase the correct automotive diagnostic tools from Tooldom for your business.

Power Probe

Safety is a major concern in the auto shop, and you need the tools to prove it. Power probes plug into the car before any other tool to check the voltage and look for any circuit problems. This makes sure that any tools you plug into the vehicle will not get shorted while using them. Shorted tools can leave you with a shock, so putting your safety first is best. The power probe is essential when you need to handle electronic diagnostics in the car.

Specialty Testers

Other problems may pop up during diagnostics for which you’ll need a specialty tool. Certain leaks require a leak detector and some engines require their own special diagnostics testers. While the must-have automotive diagnostics tools mentioned above cover many of the problems you’ll encounter, it doesn’t hurt to keep some special tools around the shop. Having these specialty tools can set you apart from the competition, so keep an eye on the problems you encounter and how best to solve them.